How Employee Advocacy Affects Productivity

Chris Freitas • 18 May 2023
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Employers advocating for their employees can have a profound impact on productivity in the workplace. When employers actively support and advocate for their employees, it creates a positive work environment that fosters engagement, motivation, and loyalty. Let’s discuss the ways that employee advocacy positively affects the productivity of the workplace as a whole. 


Enhanced company culture 

When employers advocate for their employees' well-being, it shows that they genuinely care about their workforce. This sense of care and support increases employee engagement, as employees feel valued and appreciated. Engaged employees are more committed to their work, leading to higher productivity levels, higher quality work, and higher morale. 

Employers who advocate for their employees also demonstrate a positive and supportive company culture. If the company’s higher-ups practice encourages open communication, respect, and fairness, employees will emulate and participate in this positive behavior. Employees in such a supportive environment are more likely to be proactive, innovative, and dedicated, which benefits the quality of their work and the company overall. 


Improved Health and Well-being 

Offering comprehensive healthcare benefits is a tangible way for employers to support their employees' physical and mental health. By providing access to healthcare services, preventive care, and wellness programs, employers help employees maintain and improve their overall well-being. Healthy employees experience fewer health-related issues, take fewer sick days, and have higher energy levels, all of which contribute to increased productivity. 

Healthcare benefits that cover mental health support and stress management resources demonstrate that employers recognize the importance of mental health as well as physical. By offering these resources, employers help employees effectively manage stress, cope with challenges, and build resilience. Reduced stress levels can lead to improved focus, concentration, and problem-solving abilities, which helps employees feel more contented with their jobs. 


Talent Attraction and Retention 

Employee healthcare benefits are a highly valued aspect of the total compensation package. When employers provide comprehensive healthcare coverage, it demonstrates their commitment to the welfare of their employees, which can encourage employees to stay with the company longer. A stable and skilled workforce translates to higher productivity through reduced turnover, consistent performance, and institutional knowledge retention. 

Additionally, by showing for their employees, the company starts to build an external reputation. High-quality, prospective employees are more likely to be attracted to organizations that demonstrate a genuine commitment to their employees' welfare. Positive employer branding enhances the organization's ability to attract top talent, contributing to a more skilled and productive workforce. 



The evidence is everywhere – employers that are willing to advocate for their employees actively encourage improved productivity, and comprehensive healthcare benefits are a notable method of doing so. If your company is looking to hire the best employees in an affordable manner, speak with a KBI agent today and discover how we can help you save up to 40% on your employee benefits costs. Your employees are worth it! 

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