How to Achieve Your New Hire Goals -- Attracting High-Quality Employees Efficiently

Chris Freitas • 31 July 2023

Gone are the days when corporations filled most job openings from within. In today's market, hiring from the outside is more common, which means organizations need to rethink their hiring strategies. If you’re wondering how to achieve your new hire goals, here are some essential tips for you to consider: 


Create Strategic Job Postings 

To streamline your recruitment process and attract the right candidates, it's crucial to create realistic job descriptions. Start by conducting a thorough job analysis to identify the specific tasks and attributes required for the role. 

Additionally, internal job boards are an excellent resource for promoting job openings to current employees, encouraging career growth and reducing turnover. By posting vacancies internally first, you might find talented individuals who are already invested in your company and ready to take on new challenges. 

Tip: Avoid piling on unnecessary requirements. It might be tempting to hyper-specify what sort of employee you want to fill a given position, but you may unintentionally make your applicant pool bigger rather than smaller. 


Focus on Active Job Seekers 

Employers looking to fill vacant positions are most often looking "passive candidates” (experienced candidates that aren’t looking to leave their position), according to a LinkedIn survey conducted in 2015. The appeal is obvious, since experienced employees don’t typically need to bounce from job to job, but there’s also the erroneous assumption that employees looking for a new job may have something “wrong” with them. 

While passive job seekers may seem appealing, data suggests that active job seekers, who are actively looking for a new position, are more passionate about their work and career growth and are more likely to become dedicated employees. Concentrate on attracting candidates who are genuinely interested in the opportunities you offer, rather than spending an excessive budget on passive candidate outreach. 


Test Candidates' Skills 

Objective testing of candidates' standard skills can be an effective way to predict a candidate's potential success in a role. Skills assessments should be standardized and consistently applied across all applicants to provide a consistent basis from which to gauge a candidate’s potential success in a position. 

It’s important to remember that skill and competency are the names of the game. Avoid falling for the allure of trendy technologies that claim to predict hires, like personality tests and other pseudoscientific measurements. Instead, focus on real-world skills that directly align with the job requirements. 


Revamp the Interviewing Process 

Interviews play a critical role in hiring decisions, but they can be susceptible to bias and inefficiency. As mentioned above, standardizing your hiring processes can greatly improve your ability to find employees with favorable skills and experience. 

To optimize the interviewing process, develop a structured interview format, centered on past behavior and relevant performance. Resist the temptation to extend the number of interviews, as it can slow down the hiring process without necessarily improving candidate selection. With an effective interview format, there’s no need to continually call the candidate back in so you can make your decision. 


The Power of Comprehensive Employee Benefits Plans 

Businesses can significantly enhance their hiring efforts by offering comprehensive employee benefits plans. Research shows that companies with attractive benefits packages are more likely to attract highly-trained employees compared to those with higher salaries alone. An appealing benefits plan not only helps to retain existing talent, but also serves as a powerful recruiting tool that sets you apart from the competition. 

The next logical question is, what benefits do employees want, and how can my company afford them?

All of these questions and more can be answered by one of our strategists at KBI Benefits. 

KBI Benefits specializes in crafting tailor-made benefits packages that cater to your employees' needs and boost your company's appeal in the competitive hiring market while keeping an eye on your budge. Speak with a KBI Benefits agent today to discover how you can save up to 40% on your employee benefits plan through their proprietary creative financing models. Take the first step towards building a stronger and more competitive team today! 


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