HR Technology Providers: Finding the Right One

Chris Freitas • 25 June 2021
HR technology provider


During the past decade alone, rapid technological advancements have radically altered the way many businesses operate today. Most small-and-medium-sized businesses leverage the power of technology to help spur continuous business growth amid organizational adjustments, increasing globalization, an ever-growing online marketplace, the trials of a global pandemic, and a rising desire for remote and mobile employment opportunities.

HR teams have needed to adapt swiftly and adeptly, especially since early 2020, managing a largely remote workforce and an array of distance-based recruiting tasks. Technology is no longer a mere consideration for a strong HR department—it has become the lifeblood of guiding businesses through organizational change by recruiting, hiring, and managing top employees, whether on-site or working remotely.


If you and your IT team are working together to decide on the technology your company needs to keep your business competitive, allowing you to recruit, hire, and retain the best talent, you might need to start by learning what is out there that offers you the competitive edge you need.

At a minimum, you’ll need technology that, ideally, integrates one, more, or several of the following human resource information systems (HRIS) modules that allow you to automate the increasingly complex field of HR and all of its processes. The more encompassing your HRIS is, the more you can employ a centralized approach to fulfilling and managing your HR management needs with greater efficiency and effectiveness without the stress and worry.

Take a few moments to explore the various components of a strong HRIS and how each one alone and all of them together can revolutionize your organization’s HR department, allowing your business to flourish with high-caliber employees who are happy and productive.


Sometimes it’s challenging for your HR team to keep up with all the latest updates in benefits. Since benefits can and often do change annually, you might struggle to keep up with your benefits education to ensure your employees always understand what is going on, from their onboarding sign-up to changes from year to year.

Relying on an HRIS for employee benefits management and open enrollment can help ensure accuracy at all times, putting your employees’ minds at ease and taking a lot off your busy HR team members’ desks. The right benefits enrollment HRIS can help keep everyone on the same page without confusion and worry.

Here are some features your benefits enrollment software should provide:

  • The ability for employees to research plans, including their offerings and price points.
  • Ample options for enrollment, including manually through your HR team and online on their own.
  • Auto-filling fields and other assistance to ensure employees don’t miss providing vital information in specific fields. For example, when an employee starts to type their first name, they receive a prompt providing additional information they can then accept or correct.
  • Compliance reporting capabilities, capturing and recording information as it is entered and changed to ensure continuous compliance.
  • Year-round access for ongoing new employee enrollments and to address any questions employees might have at any time.

As you might notice, these features make the process easier for your organization’s HR staff, employees, and auditing team.


An applicant tracking system (ATS), or talent management system, has become an invaluable tool for HR teams and other recruiting professionals over the past decade. Modeled after the principles of a customer relationship management (CRM) system but tailored to recruiting needs, an ATS is meant to help your company's recruiting team save time and stay organized, allowing them to search for the best candidates for your vital positions.

A quality ATS service automates the entire recruiting process, tracking and organizing candidates in a single database. According to Dave Zielinski at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), an ATS is:

“...the backbone of recruiting technology, a core platform that collects and stores candidate resumes as well as automates job postings and other manual tasks common to the recruiting function.”

Each ATS is different, but here are some key features you should look for:

  • Capabilities allowing your team to optimize goals and processes and clarify your strategies to ensure everyone is on the same page about the person your organization needs.
  • Reporting functions for information such as commonly used sourcing channels, average time-to-hire, and candidate drop-out rates.
  • Scalability and integration capabilities, which allow your ATS to grow with your business, whether yours is a smaller or medium-sized business, to move up with the help of your new hires.
  • Customer service and after-sale assistance, so your HR team isn’t left to fend for themselves in a new software or service environment.
  • Tracks and services your benefits enrollment options for quick access during the recruiting process to give your candidates quick insights and answers.


An HRIS allows you to develop a standardized approach to employee onboarding that helps produce a more knowledgeable and confident employee right out of the gate.

Think about your traditional employee onboarding methodology. It might work effectively—in fact, it's probably great—but perhaps it's time-consuming and redundant for your HR team to administer. But your new employees need this time and energy to help them feel welcome and ensure their success and satisfaction.

With efficient, technology-based HRIS onboarding, you are more likely to experience satisfaction all-around, as your employee knows what to do, who to contact, and how to pleasure your customers. With all those tools for success, they are more likely to stay for the long haul, offering you years of returns on your investment in them.

Here are a few features you want in your HRIS employee onboarding program:

  • History and background of your organization.
  • Workplace culture information.
  • The people in your organization, including their names, job titles, departments, and how employees can reach them.
  • Workspace, equipment, and supplies details.
  • Internal policies, manuals, and documents for new hires to read and review, then sign and return.


Your new hire might need to flesh out some knowledge and skills to perform their daily work duties properly. You don’t want the employee to need to ask you, and you might not always have time to keep up with such needs. It’s vital to prevent letting them fall through the cracks, wondering how to perform certain duties without adequate training.

When you make sure your HRIS has a training management component, your employee will receive the prompts to sign up for training courses when available, whether in-house or if you can help them sign up for something off-site.

Further, your organization might provide training programs, making it vital to keep track of training opportunities on the horizon, ensuring that everyone who might need to take this training is aware with plenty of advanced notice. Your HRIS training management component can do this by filtering information, matching training offerings with employee needs, and sending appropriate notifications.


One of your most important jobs is making sure your employees receive their pay on time and accurately. With the right HR payroll technology, you never need to worry about following through, whether your lead payroll supervisor is on-site or on vacation. The advanced payroll functionality and flexibility a dedicated payroll system affords your company is priceless and generally includes:

  • Paperless payroll to save on paper, printers, printing ink, and general bureaucracy.
  • Comprehensive payroll history database that allows for employees and payroll department to access and view as needed.
  • Email pay stub reminders for employees.
  • Automated auditing system that catches errors before payroll is processed and paid.
  • And much more to make one of your most important relationships with your employees run smoothly.


We’ve all become more accustomed to a self-service lifestyle. For everything from paying for our car’s fuel on the pad at the pump to checking our bank statement on our mobile phone at the coffee shop, we like to see and manage many of our affairs on our own.

It’s a similar idea for employees, who increasingly want a sense of autonomy in areas like onboarding, payroll, performance management, and time and absence management. When employees can see and assess the information surrounding their employment, they feel they have more control and thus feel like they can make improvements and catch errors, whether their own or one introduced by the system.


If you are searching for an HR technology provider or software program, you might wonder how to prioritize these features or if there is anything else that will make your decision easier. KBI can help.

You can trust our team to walk through all the top HR technology that helps you please your employees while allowing your HR team to stay organized and effective in performing their core duties. Our team of expert brokers will go over our own HR technology offerings, such as benefits enrollment, HRIS, ATS, payroll, learning and development systems, and employee self-service portals, to give you prime examples of what these features can do for your business. 

Contact Us

At KBI, we want to help you recruit, hire, onboard, and retain the best employees for your business’s continuing success and growth.

Contact us today by calling us at 408-366-8880 or submitting our online contact form, so we can get back to you with the information you request and a chance to go into more detail. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you!

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